Little Carmel - Kleiner Karmel

Very welcome and thank you very much for visiting our hompage! We are a small Family living at the gate of the Bavarian forrest, so called Sonnenwald Region. We try to live a life in the followship of the rule of Carmel. Our home is the Teresian carmel or Discalced Carmelites.. Feel free to leave us a message, or intentions of prayer. God may bless you!


Prayer times


05:00 am    Office of readings and Morning prayer

12:00 noon Midday Prayer

18:00 pm    Vespers

19:45 pm     Compline



Between the prayer times we work on our farm. We breed Pigs for producing a realy delicate meet. We hold Goats for the very delicious milk and make cheese, butter, yogurt as requested.

 We have a vegetable garden and produce differnt kinds of vegetables! (e.g. Tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, pepper, beans, and herbs)

We breed White Canadian Shepards! Once a year our lady dogs give birth once  to there puppies. They are born in our house and grow up togehter with us, hearing daily noises, and smelling normal things, finally they are used to other animals and always under medical care. of course


Guestrooms for holidays

We offer for families, priests, monks or nuns, rooms for vacation, spiritual exercises and sabatical times - please ask for prices!


Kleiner Karmel

Haidhof 1

94508 Schöllnach



Telephone: 0049 9903 943 70 70 Answering mashine is reachable

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